
Auspicious days for decoration in the first month of 2020

2024-01-15 11:18:46 围观 : 9264 次


Auspicious days for decoration in the first month of 2020

The most auspicious day in the first month of 2022 is the most auspicious day to start renovation work. Which day in the first month of 2022 is suitable to start renovation work?
The Spring Festival in 2022 is on February 1st. During the first month, there are fewer people decorating because most of the renovation workers have to Returning home for the New Year, some people want to start construction during the first month holiday. It is best to choose a good and auspicious day to make it more auspicious. So which day in the first month of 2022 is the most auspicious day to start renovation? Which day in the first month of 2022 is suitable for starting renovation? Follow us to learn more Come on!
1. The first day of the first lunar month
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, clashes with the Rabbit (Ji Mao) to the east
[Appropriate] Opening of the market, construction, burial, opening and groundbreaking
>[Taboo] It is a good day to start signing contracts for fasting, offering sacrifices, and being engaged
2. The seventh day of the first lunar month
Monday, February 7, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, is in conflict with Rooster (Yiyou) and evil in the West
[Suitable] Moving starts The city opened for business, got married, moved into the house, and received the certificate, started setting up beds, traveling, picking up cars, and trading opened
[taboo] digging wells
3. The eleventh day of the first lunar month
Friday, February 11, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, clashes with the ox (Ji Chou) )Shaxi
[Suitable] Get married, clean, move, get married, get engaged, move, buy clothes, make alliances, pray for blessings, lay a bed, bury, and start construction
[Taboo] Open the market, break ground, plant, and cook a stove
4. The fifteenth day of the first lunar month
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, is in opposition to Snake (Guisi) and evil in the west
[Suitable] Do not do anything left over from destroying houses and buildings, opening the market and starting construction
[Taboo] It is not suitable to do anything else
5 , the 19th day of the first month of the lunar calendar
February 19, 2022, Saturday in the Gregorian calendar, the Rooster (Ding You) will harm the West
[Suitable] Wedding party, relatives and friends traveling, cleaning, moving, starting construction, trading, relocation, opening of the market, opening ground
[Taboo] 】Burial, Visiting and Encoffining
6. The 23rd day of the first month of the lunar calendar
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, Ox (Xin Chou) destroys the west
[Suitable] Marry, travel, clean, start construction, move, break ground and pray for blessings Planting beds for livestock burials
[Taboo] Haircuts, stamps, opening markets and cooking stoves
7. The twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month
Saturday, February 26, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, Chonglong (Jiachen) evil north
br>【Good】Moving, opening the market, starting construction, getting married, moving into the house, collecting certificates, starting construction, traveling to pick up the car
8. The 30th day of the first lunar month
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar, clash Monkey (Wu Shen) evil in the north
[Appropriate] Seeking medical treatment, moving soil, treating diseases, bringing in animals, opening the market and starting construction, praying for blessings, getting engaged, opening the market, opening and starting construction
[Taboo] All things are not suitable
What day is the first day of the first month of 2022? Which is the most auspicious day to start renovation work? Which day is suitable for starting renovation work in the first month of 2022? The above is the relevant content we have introduced, which you can use as a reference.

The auspicious days that are suitable for the start of decoration work in the near future
The auspicious days that are suitable for the start of decoration work in the near future
Many people are busy choosing dates for decoration recently. So, what are the auspicious days that are suitable for the start of decoration work in the near future? Woolen cloth? Here we share with you the auspicious days for the start of renovation work in September and October, which are:
The auspicious days for the start of renovation work in September 2020:
1. Tuesday, September 1, 2020 is the 14th day of the seventh lunar month. start.
2. It is appropriate to start construction on Thursday, September 3, 2020, the 16th day of the seventh lunar month.
3. Construction will start on September 14, 2020, the 27th day of the seventh lunar month.
4. Construction will start on Monday, September 21, 2020, the fourth day of the eighth lunar month.
5. It is appropriate to start construction on Friday, September 25, 2020, the eighth day of the eighth lunar month.
Auspicious dates for the start of renovation work in October 2020:
1. Work will start on Saturday, October 3, 2020, the 16th day of the eighth lunar month.
2. Construction will start on Thursday, October 15, 2020, the 28th day of the eighth lunar month.
3. Construction will start on Monday, October 26, 2020, the tenth day of the ninth lunar month.
4. Construction will start on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, the 11th day of the ninth lunar month.
The above is the relevant content about the auspicious dates for decoration in October 2020. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

以上为是众多网友友对《Auspicious days for decoration in the first month of 2020》的相关解答,希望对您的问题有所帮助。



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