Design drawing of three-story ordinary self-built house in rural area

作者:华季麦 | 发布日期:2024-09-23 01:47:13

Requesting a set of new rural three-story villa design drawings, with appearance renderings, a complete set of design drawings for self-built houses

Rural self-built houses are becoming more and more beautiful and have a sense of design. The stronger, the full visual sense of the villa. Those monotonous rural red-brick houses are about to become a thing of the past, replaced by more and more single-family villas with unique designs and bright appearances.

Whether you like European romantic style or American country style, hurry up and take a look at these 9800 new rural self-built villa drawings! Click here to see how to get it. It’s not about the large number of drawings, but the quality. The masterpiece of a professional designer of a small rural villa, classic and elegant!

If you want to build a villa by yourself in the countryside, you must first have a homestead, otherwise it will be illegally built and you will be in trouble.

Getting to the point, the drawings for self-built villa design must be CAD drawings, which can be printed and edited as blueprints. The complete set of drawings can be installed by the construction personnel once they are obtained.

There are a total of 9,800 units here, with two floors and three floors, accompanied by renderings. Based on the compre hensive consideration of the floor area, so many complete drawings that can be directly constructed are definitely enough for you to choose.

A complete set of architectural drawings, depending on its professional content or function, generally includes:

Drawing catalog: It includes the name, content, drawing number, etc. of each drawing. Indicate which professional drawings and which drawings the engineering drawings consist of, making it easy to retrieve and search. General design description: It mainly describes the overview and general requirements of the project. The content should generally include: 1. Design basis 2. Design standards 3. Construction requirements 3. Building construction drawings 4. Structural construction drawings

Rural three-story house design drawings, three-story villa design considerations
Many people now choose to build their own villas in rural areas. The three-story villas have a large indoor area and space, and the design must be based on the specific conditions. To design, make reasonable use of every place, and understand clearly the pre cautions for villa design, so that the entire house will not be wasted. Below, we will give you a detailed introduction to the design drawings of rural three-story houses? Three-story villas Design considerations?
1. Design drawings of three-story rural houses
1. Living room design:
There must be many differences between the living room design of self-built houses and urban residences. One is located in a city, and the other is in a vast area. Rural areas or small towns. Different from urban residences, self-built houses may have more living rooms than urban residences. Generally, one is designed on the ground floor, and there are additional facilities on each upper floor. The design of the living room on the ground floor. In rural areas, the living room on the ground floor is generally also called the main room. If there are three rooms, it is often placed in the middle room. One advantage of placing the living room in the middle is that the living room can be used as the center to organize traffic. It should be said that this design has certain rationality.
2. In fact, before decorating a new home, owners must carefully check the design drawings sent by the decoration company in advance. One is whether the distribution of water pipes and electrical lines is reasonable. Second, it depends on whether the design projects given to the owners by the decoration company are standardized. It also depends on whether these designs can really meet and facilitate our daily use. If you are still not satisfied, call it back and ask the decoration company to redesign it.
Things to note when designing two- and three-story villas
1. If you live with your parents, pay special attention to safety when decorating the bathroom. If there are elderly residents at home, you should pay special attention to safety when decorating the bathroom. For example, the corners should be treated Smooth; the height of various equipment should be appropriate to reduce the range of movement of the elderly; the floor should be anti-slip and more safety handles should be added; try not to use glass or metal materials.
2. There are many floors in the home, so a smart home system should be installed to ensure safety. Many families living in villas or townhouses should install a smart home system. The security measures in the smart home system can realize the natural switching of the TV, and the control can automatically adjust the Conversion, when a device is damaged, the video recording device will record the scene and automatically play it on the video device. If the homeowner is not at home, the security system will automatically make a call to the community, and then call your mobile phone to achieve 24-hour security monitoring.
3. If the ceiling is high, you should be careful when setting up an attic. When setting up a two-story attic in a tall residence, whether it is horizontal separation or vertical wall building, the materials and load-bearing capacity of the additional structure should be taken into consideration. , the ratio of thickness to height of partition walls, etc. This kind of transformation involves professional construction techniques such as accurate calculation, reinforcement, and cutting. Before the transformation, you need to check whether the design company has "structural construction safety design qualifications."
In the above article, I told you about the design drawings of three-story houses in rural areas. I believe everyone must have understood it. You should pay attention to decoration skills when decorating. I hope this can help everyone.